I've decided to get back into drawing
Idk how much that'll accomplish but we'll see eh
As usual
I've not posted on my birthday
This is an interesting feat but
Who really pays attention to that?
(Besides me)
I got this drawing app on my phone...
It seems cool
I wonder if a ... stylus....
Would work on a laptop?
-googles to see-
On the bright side
I don't have work tomorrow
So I can stay up late and nap at 7 to wake up for 11PM
and then go back to sleep at 5AM
It sounds like a great life honestly
In other news
The interwebs say that I can use a stylus on my laptop
Sounds plausible
We wanted to go to bible study today I just remembered ...
soo no nap at 7
I hope I don't fall asleep tho sigh
I am currently working out
after my work out I tend to get sleepy and tired
I hope this doesn't happen
for real today sigh =\
"For real" doesn't go here
I'm currently reading this manhwa
And this fat guy wakes up as a hot guy and basically has two bodies
and when one falls asleep he wakes up as the other
and it's like
He complains about being fat and stuff
and how being slim and fit is better
but I swear
He should just work out in his fat body
and so he doesn't have to worry about being bullied
cuz he can do something about it ...
It's the most logical thing to do
He's a guy so losing weight shouldn't be an issue
Especially since he's a teenager
He has his whole life ahead of him
Also he should use the money he makes from his job to idk invest in a gym membership
Or a fighting place thingy
And learn to fight
And his "hot" self should learn to fight too
Both of them should do it
What's the point in moping around
Ugh so sickening
both of them
And the people in that word so damn shallow
I think that's what's the most sickening
My rant is over
I think I'm good
I'M also readin this other comic..
I don't think it's a manhwa but anyway
It's called "Assassin Roommate"
And at first I was like NOOOO
But then I was like
OMG O===
And I just think it's great
I'm gonna find a picture to draw in 30 mins ~
Till next time ♥