Thursday, 15 October 2015


If I just start typing a post
At 11:45
The post should go for today

I'm going to assume this much
Or maybe I already know

If I type something
While I'm gkd
It'll be like drnk texting
This is bad

But if i don;t
Stay up with Oin wi

What will happen? ...
Okay .. I'm gonna leave now


Wednesday, 14 October 2015


Ever dream about something you want but can't have?

This happens ... or has been happening regularly 
Not every night tho 
But when it does happen
It brings soo much unhappiness 


Monday, 12 October 2015


I don't really have much to say today
But at least I'm here ..

Last night
I was exhausted...
Basically lol

And I'd have posted earlier today but
I was asleep then too
And then my best friend got me interested in a short side series
"Once Upon a Time in Wonderland"

She said it wasn't popular so it only has one season
It was cool
I don't think it should get another season tho
I think I'd be annoyed by it

But anyway
Just thought I'd leave a post cuz posting is nice
such a simple word

Good news tho:

I'll start back with the pictures at the start of the post
I always liked them
And always so inspirational
Some of them that are quotes
Or relatable at least

Sleep calls me


Friday, 9 October 2015

♥Bath Tie♥

Today 's the day
It's more like
Tomorrow's the day
Right Jim??! :D

Laina told me to tell you
"Get over yourself"
Do what you want
Come back in January for all I care
I'm gonna take a shower
And basically leave my house...
i don't have much time!! D:


Thursday, 8 October 2015

♥April 6,2016♥

Two things:

I saw a post named "WDIDT"
And I thought it meant
"What did I do today"
Idk if that's right
I highly doubt it

I'll tell you what it means in a bit

And Dos
I realized
Within the four years I've had this blog
I've never once posted in

It's really not that funny
It's almost sad
Juuust almost
And you know what Brandy said
If you don't get that reference
I'm sorry

So I found out two things
Omg two more things :3
This post should be called that

"WDIDT" means
Why did I do that...
At least I was ... close? e..e

And Deux!
Oh yes
I was close
To the blog's birthday

It was in fact
But it wasn't the 9th
-wop, wop wop-
That was the name of a toy
We got for my Godsister
Ah yess
Good times
Gooooood times
Too bad we don't see her as much

Where was I
Oh yes
The thing
IT was the 6th o=!!
The fact that I was basically right means
that I'm not completely a horrible person..
I think I have this saved on my calendar
Now that I think about it

Well .. probably
And checking is too much work e.e soo...

April 6th Everyone
Let's hope on the 5th Birthday of this Blog

I'll be there... ♫


Wednesday, 7 October 2015


He-hey.. guys >...>

How long has it been....?
-rubs the back of head nervously-

I feel pretty bad 
don't yell at me Jim ...
This isn't how I planned for any of this to turn out ...

Naw, he's not gonna come out guys
He's pretty mad...
What can I say happened this past year....

For me to know that I have to reread the last post

Funny thing is ...
I'd actually read the last post this year
Before the "not posted for over a year" mark
Had been reached
and I was all
"I will(!) post on that day and apologize to all my 6 followers and all of my
Imaginary fans"
But then...
The day came and went
And thing is..
I was aware of what day it was
I remember that specifically

I just don't remember what happened on that day
I can't even say that I didn't have time for me to do it too ...
Maybe I didn't
...It all depends on when the last post from this one was...
yes I feel bad
I feel awful
But I do have good news

I will be leaving my tiny island where I live to go up to the big Yuu Ess Ovay to study :D 
Yes guys yes,,.
Before you ask
I am rich enough to own an island
-rich person laughter-
-swishes wine glass-

Yall must be wondering
If you're so rich then why do you need to go study?
WElll MAYBE I need to be smart
Or maybe I'm not rich at all
And just live
in the Caribbean 
Ohohoho !!!
Good times...
GREAT ties

Y'see ties are great
And I was going to fix it ,, (the typo)
In fact..
I did fix it

The thing was
I figured
Ties are better than Time
Ties don't FORCE you to wake up from sleepytime
Ties know that sleep is important
Ties are love
Ties are life

Reminds me of a video...
About ..

I won't post it here don't worry
I don't think I can
I think YouTube probably got rid of it
it was toooooooooo
I was saying something of importance..
Oh yes
The Shrek thing
And no I didn't look up to see what I was saying

Never look back (when typing)
Which makes me think
I shouldn't say what happened these last year
I should just move forward
We should all move forward
Look to the future

And the future
Is bright ..
Ugh -squint-
Maybe too bright..
Oh wait
That's just Samuel's back light ... e.....e

Yes that's a word
A word I created
I've ...
I left the page window for two seconds
And forgot what I wanted to say ...
What does this mean!!!
And I can't look back!!
I made a vow thing...

Lol a wild es appear'd

Speaking of wild things
Pokemon Go tho

Yea so
I found out the last post was in June
And I guess I was busy then
But not like physically busy
Like mentally busy
A time in my life I don't wanna talk about
Can we .. not?
Good :3
I guess this year break thing wasn't soo bad e..e
In fact
It was my body/brain knowing what to do
HAHA I guessed it was on June 9th and it was on June 9th...
I can't really prove that I guessed it tho..
Not even Jim can vouge... for me...
Vouch? ..
Ah it's vouch...
Hmm these 'Muricans ...
Pronounce things so differently that I didn't even know how to spell it ..

What was I even saying ?
Sorry .. yes I did kinda look up a little ..
Just a little
.. to see >......> ............ <.....<
Just to see V.V
Yes cuz
Jim is basically me
And as far and this looks
It could be..
not me e..e

Okay that doesn't make sense
Live and learn..
That doesn't go here
Forgive and forget? ...


So I was in a bad place
at that time
And Still ..
I've never ...
Done a post on either of our birthdays

(Honestly still can't remember when this Blog's birthday is..
I think it was in April...?)
Should I check ? or just leave it and then hope I'm right
and if I'm not the mention my fail in the next post
While apologizing for my fail?
This is what I'll do
I'm also gonna guess the date too
I should start tagging my posts :D

Like what I started to do..
then ..
I got lazy..

Speaking of lazy
Please don't ask about the extra space..
It's something I'm not proud of ...
We ..
I mean
I should update the look of the blog

People have been complaining about the whole...
♫ flashing lights.. flashing lights ♫
Is that part of the Drunk in Love song by Beyonce? e.e

So I'm going back
To change the font of the faces
and I'm like looking at how the dots look like a stitched mouth
Pretty funny
OR maybe just creeeepy e....e

Waow.. I feel like I'm suddenly boring ..
Got anything you'd like to add before I close for the night?

HE's still mad ..
He'll get over it

See ya'll tomorrow ..
e.e yes,,
Not this weekend tho
Although maybe friday
But Def not Saturday
But on Sunday night..
If I'm not exhausted

Okay I'm gone now


And Now Formatting (ANF) :3... the tedious part of it all tbh
HAha a new acronym to remember 
You can do that for me.. I mean help me with that right Jim?? 
-more crickets- 
Sigh... yes Jim the sport is lovely 
This guy 
-conventional comical laughter-
Thank you! I'll be here all week 

April 9th -the date I'm guessing this blog got started >..<
I feel like a bad person already