there I was
realizing that I hadn't blogged for the weekend
When suddenly a wild bladder decides to fill up
thus having me retreat to the bathroom
on the way out of my dorm
the door decided to attack
long story short
In fact that was the entire story
but anway
long story short
my finger
my index finger throbs every time I backspace
and when I press other keys that I'm not sure that I use my index finger to press
(not even sure if index finger is the right one)
-secretly finds a finger naming chart-
okay so I I got it wrong
yes I saw the "I I" and it was originally supposed to be a typo and I realized it added to the vyb
But anyway
It's supposedly the unimaginatively named middle finger
I personally hate this chart
but I chose it because I hate it
and I don't hate it ..
I just dislike it
I dislike it because..
it has like
two labellings
Ohh wait
-now reading the other words- I see why it has two labellings
But no guys like
It was a devastating blow
I was all like..
"WUT THE F---!" I was in so much immediate pain
I remember when I was younger
I'd have cried if this happened to me
I'm glad I'm out of that phase .. (somewhat)
But yes
I ran my finger under hot water for like
5 minutes
Maybe not five minutes
Maybe shorter
YOu know how pain makes like... time last longer than if you were doing something fun
like Idk
doing a test
idk why
it's like
That's the story of how I wanted to blog
I suppose that was the universe's way of punishing me or something
While typing that
I was wondering if I'd said it already
But the real question is
did I ..
I forgot
oh no I didn't
the real question is
will I wake up with a fat red "thinger"
I was literally going to (well I technically did but you get what I mean)
I hope I don't wake up with a fat red finger
Idk how I'd be able to do my work for the week y'know
Speaking of which
I have shit to do
and I'm just here like
But no
I'm not saying that blogging takes up my time
and helps me procrastinate
I'm saying that
I wasted my entire day today
I'm not even going to put the list of things that I have to do
it's not that much actually
Haha (just checked)
four things
probably why I'm ..
5 things
three are for math
One is due tomorrow
another is due on .. Tuesday
and the other is due on Friday maybe
I guess I'm staying up after this post to do that one due for tomorrow
In fact
I'll start now
It's a good thing I don't have to wake up early tomorrow
-bows in gratitude- church is at 5PM
Yes I go to church e.e
it's a thing that's part of my life
actually this post was really decently lengthed ..ofc that's not a word
SO yea
The thing...
....that I love
PS. I just realized I never got around to putting the onion men into their own folders.
Oh well
A task for another day
No(t much) formatting today .-.
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