Saturday, 30 June 2018

♥Mental Stabilizer♥

So it completely slipped my mind to say it yesterday
But !!
I've hit 200 posts!!

I can't believe I didn't notice!

It's incredible.

When I get to 500 I'll do a big celebration but
For this one
200 is a milestone but 100 was stonier than 200
and 500 is like halfway to 1000

So yes
It's a pretty good feeling


I think I'll just type all what I need to say now

But I don't even know what that is

Uhh congrats to me for making it to 200 posts
after 7 years of having this blog
She really means a lot to me

Been with me through thick and thin
Ups and downs

T'was a good mental stabilizer.
Writing for me in general does that

There's a peacefulness in it which I love
No judgments

I love this blog
My humble beginnings

The best part is
This blog will probably live on till the end of time

As long as google keeps blogger
I'd cry if all my beautiful memory filled posts went away
How would I be able to return
and feel the emotions I had when I reread posts like
And reminisce on certain events or points in my life from posts like

I'm just grateful that I was able to create this blog as a small outlet
To share my thoughts with no one in particular
It's like this place is a snapshot of my thoughts.
It kinda shows how I've changed and how I've stayed the same

I just want to say that anytime I felt meh
This place would always be a mental eutopia

Okay I done
And now
A word from Jimothy

Jim: Why Jimothy tho ????

Ah yes Jim... back at it again with the white vans

Jim: You bring me here just to do things like this

James please...
I'd have done this regardless
Needless to say 
I'm glad you're not butt hurt about me not posting for a year again 

Jim: Well it's no longer scary in--

That's my cue 

(I hope I spelled that right)

Jim: -eye roll-

And as always 


Friday, 29 June 2018

♥Bucket of Fotos♥

So I've decided to go to school again today...
because not having to worry about dying in my apartment is the best feeling

I'm not at school yet
I'm just talking aloud
but I need to get out of this apartment
It's -insert words-

Also I cannot read long papers in my room because

1: It's too hot so I have to have my windows open
2: Because my windows are open and noise pollution exists
3: Also that's where my bed is

Simple Math:
Me+ read = Tired
Tired+Me +Bed  = 5hr Nap

And sooo

But today is friday Guys
Or as snapchat says :Friyay!
It kinda lame imo
but y'know
That's how the crumbles cook

I'm lowkey cold in this library
But good news
 I did like a good bit of work today in terms of understanding
When I get home I'm gonna try to do more work
But we'll see
I'd say I had a good burst of energy going

I don't really have much to say in this post

But yesterday
I wanted to share a few of my old photobucket photos that I had

I must say I was a really good anime photo editor

One of my faves
So simple yet so cute

This was a another one I really loved 
It's clear I was emo after this pic I know

This one is more on the cute side 
Still lowkey emo tho 

For good measure I'll post another Nialy photo 
There weren't many of her cuz she was new 
I liked editing Nialy since her hair was black y'see
all I had to do was deal with the eyes most of the time 
Black haired anime girls were easy to find 

It was a lot more challenging to edit Lainy's character 
cuz white hair isn't always easy to find
Most times I'd just find blondes
Or any character with light hair
but I always felt a sense of accomplishment when I edited a dark hair'd character to white

These two actually had opposing hair colours
The photo I'm most proud of is a bit too much 
-eye emoji- 

Maybe I'll post it one day

In other news
I want some fries
like this isn't even funny
I'm legitimately considering buying a bad a potatoes to make some fries

I think I will
I will

I also want to take a nap

What has this world come to

Lol there are so many I's starting the last string of sentences
It's amazing

But yes
I was saying
that it's time for me to take my leave.
I wonder if I can make it to the Walmart on campus for a quick snack

No it's too risky
I'll just have to wait
Oh well

Fare The Well friends
-Safia Nygaard voice-
Some of you probably have no idea who she is soo
Her name is a link.



Thursday, 28 June 2018


Allow me to worry because I know,
Not because I don't know" 

What I love about this blog is that 
No one really knows about it until I mention it to them 
i.e If you don't know me 
then you don't see this 

I'm wondering how long that will last... 

Hi guys 
It has literally been over a year since I've made a post 

I actually came back here because I was speaking with Laina and she asked me what this meant 
I thought it was "All Rights Reserved" 
Idk why but it just seemed that way 

Turns out it means registered 
And then we were talking about registering words 

She was all "I wonder how easy it is to submit a word to the dictionary"

Long story short 
(tbh there's not really that more to add the the story but I lazy (Also I've been trying to type this for 2 hrs (been distracted))) <-- (nested for loop bracket words)

I added Trepihan to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary
And to do that I came here for the definition I used

So yes 
That's why I'm here 

Sigh -spongebob meme leaning on wall breathing out-
(or I could just use Mr Onion)
For you readers this will be a 30 - 60 second read 
but for me the blogger 
This took like 2 hrs to write lmao 

That's what I get for being distracted 
and rekindling old fires -eye emoji-

In other news
I miss Mr Onion man 
I need to get these gifs from Samuel onto Hailey.

Speaking of Hailey 
I don't remember mentioning that the name of my new laptop is Hailey

So I did 
Like in May 2017 
So yea. there's that 
What's new with me ?

A lot 
I am a lot less sad than I used to be 
Like fr fr
I read the post ... 
and that was hella depressing 
I think it was May 23 anyway -checks- 
it's funny cuz literally right after I typed the above first May 23 
In my head I was like "I think it was May 23 -goes to check; gets distracted; return... types what I just did-" 
Smh I'm the worst 
(Was going to type " :roll " cuz I thought this was whatsapp web) 
Okay it was May 23

Recently (like literally today) a friend of mine told me that she read most of my blog even before we were friends 
and I was like 
That's insane -tears-
I didn't actually cry but it'd have been funny if I did eh ? lol

I need to go to Walmart cuz eggs are essential
Well not really 
I've not eaten eggs much these days
But what's funny is 

I came from my apt to school so that I could work on reading a paper that I gotta read for my intership
(yes I have an internship; it's one of the new things in my life that I didn't really mention )

I'm glad I can add Mr Onion gifs that I've already used on this blog 
It's amazing 
I also think that all the ones I used so far are pretty common for me 
To use anyway 
I should go check to see if this Walmart has what I want before deciding if I wanna go to the big one 
I could just get the stuff from the convenience store 
I wonder if there was a pondering Onion
I don't recall
And even if I did I'd not be able to access him right now

Well I mean I could get him from the internet but 
I'd run the risk of one day it going missing 
cuz that website I got it from was deleted
Idk what's worse actually 
Copyright infringement? 

Hmm hmm hmm 
I can still find the answer to my question 

-checks out my account-

Ah I was so emo
And so artistic
It was great
I'm still artistic but I don't do it as often
I wish I was less depressing tho 
but that comes with the life I guess
I should really go check to see if this Walmart got these eggs before it's too late

After about .... three hours 
I'm back 
I had to go to the big Walmart for the eggs cuz not only did tiny Walmart have only 12 
They were too much 
-eye roll-

It is what it is 

I feel like I was doing something before this but I don't wanna scroll up 
This is why people suffer when they come here 
I remember 
I was looking to see if Mr Onion had a pondering gif

It's whatever cuz I didn't find it 

I'll be back tomorrow 

But I am home!! 
So I can get Sammy and see what I get Onion-wise

(I may be slightly obsessed with Mr Onion not gonna lie here) 

This reminds me ... 
Of this dumb guy I was talking to 
And he said "not gonna lie" and proceeded to add something completely unrelated to that transition
And I was like ...why would you even lie about that 
And he was all "what you mean"
And we went on but it was know use cuz he was a damnass 

^--- So many "Ands"

Lol I said I was going 
yet I snuck a whole other story in there
What can I sayyyy Except 
Your'e Welcome 
-starts to jam in Maui-

Thas a good movie tho 

Ok ok I going 
I have shit to do 
I literally been blogging for 7 hrs 
Okay BAiiiiiii


So now I don't use it At all 
I reinstated (I say reinstated but it was never out of commission) my old Facebook 
But I literally turned off my notifications so I don't even know what's going on 
Sigh my old facebook was so lit tho 
Like 7 years of building up down the drain 
7 years of hiding 

One day facebook was like 
"tHis iS nOT yoUR rEAl nAMe... please give iDenTIFicAtIonZZZ thAtItEzZ"

How tf did you even know that????????????
Who TF reported me in their.... :) (Dominican swear)
I wasn't about it cuz they literally wanted a picture ID
I was insulted 
So mark zuck  (disrespects him with no caps for his name 
can s--- :) (for context it rhymes with Zuck)

Good Bye