Saturday, 7 September 2013

♥Unnecessary Details♥

Hey guys
How's it going :3
It's been too long a week don't you think?
I know I do

I'd have blogged last night but
I was
Kinda unwell
Insignificant Details

What's cookin
Good Lookin
I thought of that while typing ^
I just seemed appropriate
Even though I thought against it for awhile

Oh !
I found these pictures
They're gifs
But anyway
I found them
they're made to look kinda freedee

I know
Judging by the time I'm posting
I must have woken up really early
Well yes
In fact
I woke up just a little after 6

This has been happening a lot
But that's cuz I've been going to sleep early for the past few days
Idk why .-.
But it's been happening
What makes it worse?
I didn't even mean to wake up early today
I went to sleep as a reasonable time
Which should have woken me up by like...
Now (9:00)
I had a rude awakening
(won't mention what it is though)

I want you guys to read this
Deuteronomy 23:1 states: "No man whose testicles have been crushed or whose organ has been cut off may become a member of the Assembly of God."
I must say XD!
I mean
 No crushed testicles
Are permitted in heaven
Poor guys ..
I mean yea it says about the removed organ
Wait nvm
Not a contradiction :3
Cuz Jesus changed that :3
So if you sinned with your testicles
i.e Created offspring that became Hitler
Then it's advised that you tear them off
                                                The only way to get into heaven T^T

Jim: WTFuh?!
   :3 le truth Jimmeh, le truth
Jim: >.> -holds onto crotch- I'll take my chances
   XD!! Chill dude ... Here look at this

Jim: Dude what o-o!! Idk if I should be mesmerized by the moving, or creeped out by the art
How bout both? o=
Jim: Hmm Ok .. are there any mo--

I believe that this is how people are when they come to visit my blog.. 
Cuz of all the flashing colours I mean :3

Jim: Yea probably 
   ^^ Here's another

This next one's kinda scary tho o-o! 

This one's funny cuz of the last head as the tail ^
Oh Hydra :3.. well that's what it looks like anyway

On to the next one

Apparently the artist likes those kinda socks XD

This one here is the first one I saw .. 
It was on Tumblr actually 
There was a link so I clicked :3

I like this one cuz of the cave >.<!

I believe the artist... Dain I think was his name .. 
Has a thing for gems

According to where you look at it ^
The speed changes 
For instance ... look at the window ..
Then the wall 
LOL! Song :3

The website says that their eyes are hypnotic
What do you think? ._.

This one is my favourite of all
Minus the teeth ..
Kinda creepy >.>

This one's entitled "Asylum"
Yes the others have names 
(except for the 'hypno eyes' one)
But this one stands out to me cuz 
It doesn't really seem like an Asylum..
It also looks like he's as tall as the building he's in 
Also.. doesn't look like there are steps there 
The longer you stare at it
The more it feels off some how
That's just me

She should look more depressed than happy 
Then again...
She could be and just be hiding her emotions with 
A smile 
People do it all the time

Jim: People like y--
Oh LOOK!! Another picture >.>
Yea... another Gem^   =|

I think I'll leave you with a quote from the website 
"The 3D image effects are a result of 2 parallel images that are varied at a certain angle and put together as a gif."
And ..
The artist's name: Dain Fagerholm

Bai guys!! o=


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