Monday, 9 June 2014

♥KnowWhat youShouldKnow♥

And then I thought
Why not post today ? 

This always happens when I go through my posts 
It's like 
Reading my blog is a trigger 
The trigger 

If only the world felt this way 
I mean
It's not like I say anything of significance 

I guess I'm from the handful of people 
Who find me 
Even remotely hilarious 
Or 'H-a-o' 
As the blog would say 

That was a pretty old ... 
Or should I say 'early' 

Old is used for when stuff has to be thrown away

There was something I wanted to check for tho...
If I spoke about malt day in a past post ...
James Patrick Alexander is useless

Jim: D: I'm not useless >.> and why you wanna be using my full name

   You don't even know the things you should =.=
the things you were created to know
How is that being useful?

Jim: Uhh .-.

I thought I wasn't gonna get to finish
This post I mean
And by finish
I mean
Get to publish

I think it's about time I click diz button doe ;]


Sunday, 8 June 2014

♥NailFile or MaimedMamals♥

Hey guys..
It's been three days since I've been here

I was about to ask if you were good
Ahaha ._.
No one answers that question but Jim
But that's cuz he doesn't have a choice

Jim: ._. Why must you do this to me?
    Hmm? :3
Jim: >.> I don't even understand why I come here to humour you

    Ohohoho Silly Jim... you say this like it is an option ... You are indeed a strange one
Jim: Sigh |:

As if...
Blogging has lost it's ness for me
I need to fix this
How -chin stroke-
Speaking of such
I think
I'm running out of sexy pictures to put at the start of the posts

The last one took me awhile to find in my library >.>
I guess it's kool
I wonder what I'll find this time ....

A long while passed
like ..
I returned here
My lil sis
Wanted us to "ombre" our pants..
Is that what it is?

-finds pictures-

Kinda almost how mine almost wanted to turn out 
I mean 
The ends are not completely white 
I love mine 
We just didn't have studs XD
But it's kool

I should do other things
But what? ...

Wanna know what sound I hate .___.
The sound the fb messenger makes when you get a message

Jim: seriously?
    Yea seriously ... and another thing I hate

The amount of time it takes my battery to die
Speaking of which
I should probably continue blogging on Ian

I need a nail file
Nail File
I's look better surrounded by capital letters

I think I scratched myself
I don't
That nail file
Oh sigh

This is very troubling ..
I've said it once
And I'll say it again
My nails grow too fast |:<

Lol at first I had
" My nails grow to fast"
And I'm like
My nails grow to fast?
Like ... fast from food?or ish? It's not lent

My luck in finding a Nail File was ...below 0
So I have to stay with nails that can maim a wild beast
Sigh >.>
Oh well

You win some
You lose some

And don't get me started on getting rid of bleach T.T
It's just so hard
Which claims to work
Doesn't really
And look at that battery >..>
What the hell man

This is truly a struggle


Thursday, 5 June 2014

♥WhatIf MaltDay WasaThing♥iThirstForMALT♥

You must be wondering
Why I didn't blog yesterday
Or on my Birthday
Oh well

Lemme explain
I figured that
I forgot to post on the blog's birthday
It'd not be fair if I posted on mine
I know
I am
Indeed thoughtful

Jim: And rather humble too
   Ikr T.T What will this world be without me
Jim: Hang on there bud.. getting a bit ahead of yourself
Jim: :D
   >..> Pft
Jim: :D
   .... -leaves to speak about something else

I can't remember
I wanted to say '
But I actually thought of words to say while I was away

Malt Day
Malt Day is on Saturday


I swear tho >.>
This should be an actual thing
So much so that
All malts would be Free Malts T.T
When I become president of the world
This will
Indeed be
A thing >.>
And when it is !
I'll be there
So what would I do?

As the president
I'd be rich
And I'd buy all the malts in the stores
That way they'd be already paid for ...
But then  o-o
What if ...

1. What if the stock doesn't finish by the end of the day?
    They'd have to pay for it the next day anyway
    They won't be paying the malt people >.>
    The money would go to me B|
    As the pres
    This be my law

2. What if the stock runs our in a store?
    Well my guess is they'd have to start selling the malts 3__3
     Lol at that face -------------------------------------------^
    Y'know in anime when a character with glasses removes his glasses?
    That's how his eyes look
    Makes no sense >.>
    When the ones without glasses steal some and put them on
    They be all like that

3. What if people be all like "Woht? o-o FREE MALT?! -takes 60- "
    Ohohohooh Silly humans
    I thought this through from the start
    (not really)
    But there would obviously be a limit Ohoho
    for how many  you can buy at a time
    You also can't by a whole carton ._.
    Not how it works ~ :3
    Three per store e.e

4. What if people try to sell their malts? o=
    Well it's a rule that no malt will be sold on that day
    Also... since you can't buy cartons of Malt ...
    No point in selling anyway
    Fools >..>

I think these are all the what ifs I could come up with ness
-stares at Samuel's battery-
His death tho
And I still have more the write too

Okai I know what to so
-puts siggy now, names post-

Ahh :3
I coulda sworn I named a post "What if" already.
Or at least has it in a name
Speaking of Jim

Sup dude?

Jim: so Malt Day huh?
   Yah... it's been going on for awhile
Jim: What brought it about?

I thought you'd never ask

Jim: Why does it sound like I'm gonna regret this?
   =_______= Just listen alright? I'm sure the readers are curious
Jim: Fine fine =~=

Okay so
It was the year 2012
The time of year when CSEC examinations were about to end...
In fact
It was this time last year
But yes
On the 6th was my ... our last exam
Bio Multiple choice I believe

Jim: So many details ._.
    Idk why I remember all this

The day after
My wife and I went to town for whatever we went to town for?
And suddenly... she was like
"I thirst... but I don't just thirst... I thirst.... FOR MALT"
(I mean thos weren't the exact words but ..
It's better this way )
And I was like "o= IKR I thought I was just being ness"
And so we set off for a place where they sold cheap juice
Cheap Malt

I got one she got one
We were happy

Jim: So one malt each and it was suddenly Malt Day?

We were all
I thirst again...
But I don't want not Malt
So another malt was bought for each of us e.e
Everytime we got thirsty
We bought  a malt
Hence 3 and a half malts per person :3

07 June, 2012 ~ The first ever Malt Day
-confetteh- =3

I've started watching Teen Wolf
And it's awesome

I'll give my reviews when I'm done tho >.>
so ohoho :3
(only on ep 8/12 season 1/3)
Okay.. battery is basically dead now T.T
Bai mai loves..
If only love had an "ai" sound >.>
Sounds like live ... not live tho live B]


Sunday, 1 June 2014

♥In Memory of Rev. Jerry Falwell♥

Saturday May 31st, 2014

Trying out something new

Blogging from Neo...
Not the greatest xperience of my life ...
 I'll admit ...
I think even Neo is bit overwhelmed by this ...

Monday, June 2nd, 2014 12:43 AM

I'm laying in my bed here guys..
I wanted to continue this since the same day
But what happened?
Sigh I can't see what I'm typing so ...
Bare with the mistakes
If there are any...

Good so far >.<

What can I say

It's the day before my birthday
And I'm indecisive as to whether I should go anywhere or not
I mean..
I wanna see my friend
Who's visiting for the summer..
But ..
Will that benefit her?
I mean
First off
We're not close at all ....
I feel kinda bad tho .-.
Just a little

I also feel that I'll have no remorse if.. when I don't leave my house today
I feel bad for having no remorse
But hey .-.

You win some you lose some

I think
I need
To change the default font for my blog...
I don't like how
".-." and "._." look >.>

And those faces are key aspects in this blog's life

Jim: ...
   Hey Jim... look at this font tho xDD it's facebook's font 
I didn't mean for this to happen o-o 
But I like it a lot haha :D
Jim: ._. I see it does look okay e.e it does 

Okay I fixed it ..
Wasn't hard...
just pressed enter XD


I think Jim and I
Are done for the night..

Jim: Oh. ._. we are? .-. .... okay .. kool >.> -leaves-

._. .. yes ..
Pce~ :3


I was reading through the blog these past few days...
And I found out
That I never told you guys what "Falwell" meant ...
But now it's apparently not a word
It's a name e.e
So like ..
Is this some ply to get me to look like a fool? T.T
How could you?

Mr. Falwell
I never knew you existed
But ..
I'm sorry that you died 7 years ago
May 15th
It's like really close to his deathaversary

It's kool how all his kids have their names starting with "J"
My favourite letter
He must've been a great man B|

And indeed he was
He was a pastor that he was
But it's not the fact that he was a pastor
that made him great
It's the things he said even tho he was a pastor XDD

"Grown men should not have sex with prostitutes unless they're married to them"

This one is my favourite XDDD
So interesting for someone to say

You can click the quote if you wanna read the rest xD
They're pretty long tho..
But of the 4 shorter ones I read
That one takes the cake o=

Okay I thin this "Ps" has been long enough..
Maybe the longest one

Jim: you just like to talk ._.
     What? Noo !! >.> PFT Jim
     What do you know?
Jim: Enough to possibly get you in jail ...
     You wouldn't e.e ...
Jim: -leaves again-
UGHH T.T -follows-