So I wasn't gonna blog today ...
My lazy/procrastinator self Amanda
Was forcing me not to...
But then
She realized that she wanted to be known
or "famous" as she put it
And So now I'm here
I need to stop letting her control me
I can't really do that
Whatever she's doin
Still hasn't gotten me to fail school
She can stick around
She's the one controlling the post
I doubt it'll be that long >.>
She partially controlled the post last night too
She made me pass off as tired
And she ACTUALLY made me tired too
The bastardette
I guess she's not so bastardette
Then I would've lied to you guys
I'm actually surprised that I'm not tired today o=!
Cuz I went out
I finished my book too :3
Book #3 of the four part series
"The Fallen Star"
The woman ... Jessica (last name)
Is a genius >.>
Maybe it's cuz I was reading practically all day
And that's like being lazy
so she won't penalize me with fatigue tonight
You'knw my book
Made me emotional xD
But I had to suppress it cuz
I didn't wanna scare my mom's coworkers :3
I remember before
I thought genius had an "O"
Idk why
It seemed ... right ._.
That is
Until and wrote it down and saw that it looked stupid
You know how
When you write a word sometimes
It just doesn't look right?
That's how I felt earlier
When I wanted to write "scare"
Idk why
but I wrote it
But then realized that it looked wrong
I removed the "e"
And then I realized that I was wrong about it lookin wrong
You know what they say
Looks are deceiving
Referring to the picture above us
I believe that that is 100%
I thought I had OCD
But that's medical :3
And I doubt I need help on that
I just
Have to fix things
And put them right |:<
Or else I feel unsettled ..
That's what they said was a symptom
Haha Idk what I'm talkin about :3
The only place I can see disorder is in my room
Who woulda thought
Mandy would allow such a long post
Then again >.>
( I can't remember what I wanted to day
... say...
Or type...
Which means
Mandy had realized that the post stopped being about her
And she thinks it's time I head to bed
I can tell
I practically fell asleep twice already >.>
Sleep well ;D
O'll return...
Wait ..
SCHooL is on Monday o.0
Unintentional tiny o's ._.
Pce o=!
WAIT... I mean PS O=<
I forgot to mention...My little Oin
found a
Sexy new song by Ke$ha D:!
I swear
I could die....
A lot of songs can kill me these days
Songs are getiing too violent -.-