Sunday, 19 June 2016

♥But Sometimes IT makes me wanna Cry♥

Another week has passed
Mr. Onion still hasn't gotten his own space..
Funds are limited right now
And he has to squeeze rent into his budget

This will probably take some more time again

He'll get there soon enough
Just pray for him

In other news
I am sleepy
 While it's not true that I've been kicked out of my room

I have been kicked out of my room

~Four hours later~

It's funny
Spell the same
Save for one letter
Yet they sound
wHy English ...

I wish
I'd grown up under a different language
Technically I did
I grew up under a French island

I like puns
I mean
IT's not really a pun

Jim: It's not a pun at a--

But I mean.. it could be
If I tried hard enough

I should stop posting

(she said after a 3 hour break)

The emoji I left for you is indeed the best thing I've ever left here

Ah yes
I'm also hyper tonight
But I must say good bye

♪There's never a right time to say good bye...
But I gotta make the first move
Cuz if I don't
You're gonna start hating me
I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you it's me I
Kinda gotta figure out what I need ...♪


p.S The title is just a line in the song XDD

Thursday, 16 June 2016


I think blogging really soothes the mind

I may not write a lot here
I just
Needed to be here

It brings peace
I think
I'm running out of nice
Really meaningful pictures
to put at the start of a post

I've not been doing it every post
I think
That's specifically because of that reason

But I guess that's just cuz I'm not on tumblr that much
Not anymore

So much so
I'm not even going to put the word in any special format

Good times
(that's not what I really wanted to say)

Jim: Poor you you must feel awful for you to post today again

Sigh Jim sigh... it may just be so
It may just be
Although awful is not the word I'd use
Jim: Oh?

Yes ... oh
Anyway !
is a Talent show
that I really wana go to
Will I go

How will I get home?
I don't know

It's already 12 AM
Which means
It's already tomorrow
 ( well Samuel actually says it's not tomorrow and it's still 11 cuz it's still on Arkansas time)

I wanna leave cuz I have nothing else to say
I know that
When I stop
I'll regret it
There is something that I've stopped reading for
Maybe two years now?
I could just go read that

Samuel's butt is hot
And ..
 I don't really wanna deal with heat right about now

I suppose this headache won't go away if the light is all up on my face too

It's best I take my leave



Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Another day
Another blog post 

In other news
I think I'm getting a cold

Even though the first thing wasn't really news..
It kinda was .
It was kinda like
Me saying that I'm posting again closer to the date that was when I last post
Rather than an entire week

but yes
This cold
I suspect it was given to me by my father
"The Fathering"

(Thought I forgot about that didn't you
Then again
I bet you all did
-squints- )

"You'd better grab a hold and hold on for your life 
Because you don't get lucky twice "

So my dad just gave us ginger tea
It was ...
Not terrible
(us as in me and my little sister)

I feel like I just picked up from where I left off randomly
And the thing is
I'm not gonna read this over to check to see if it makes sense
so everyone will just have to wait and see
And by everyone
I mean me
Cuz  you all don't have to wait
Since you're not stopping reading for an entire hour to do other things
Like listen to music

I typed most of those last sentences without looking at wht I was really typing

It's both impressive and ...
kinda not
Impressive cuz ...
It is
And not cuz
What if I made typos that Im not willing to go back to fix
Then again
I am reading..
(Kinda reading)
What I'm doing
Yes yes
Good stuff

BReAKINg Newss!!
Nose is crying

It's like
I could feel it
well no shit

Speaking of shit
that's how I feel right now

My least favourite part is
I'll have to wake up early tomorrow
Such is my life

Always when I'm least able
For lack of a better phrase...

What haven't I done in awhile
1. Talk to Jim ...
But I'm not really feeling to edit all his name appearances tbh

2. I can't remember ........ oh yess ..s!  Make a long post
From the looks of my scroll bar that may not happen for awhile
First of all
I'm starting to feel exhausted
and my body aches
& dos
it's already past 10pm
Normally I'm okay with that
But today
I'm just annoyed with why I feel so miserable slightly

I think

I wanted to bring it to y'alls attention
With regards to Mr Onion
I was going to set him up nicely
But then I got distracted

Such is life for Mr Onion


Sunday, 12 June 2016


I'm like
in a pickle
I won't say what it is
I just
needed to admit to myself that I was

Or else I'd just push it aside
Idk what to do |:

Well actually the answer is obvious
But certain things prevent it from happening
Why am I writing this here

Oh well
SOooo How was my week ?

Well good news
My little sister is graduating from High school
Yay Oin
That's good
That's great in fact

While she was nervous
No one else thought otherwise

The surprise would have been if she didn't graduate y'know

That's good

I made a new friend
Kool guy I'd say

I new he existed for years tho
Maybe for 2
I guess now we are homies?

And Also
I drew a picture last night
2 years?
After two years
It wasn't so great tbh
Not by my standards
And I set high standards
For literally everything
And people say it's good
But ...
If they saw the original
They'd probably see what I mean

And what else happened
I think I watched 2 anime this week?
Maybe more
Most likely more
I think I watched 4
Yes four of them
One of which inspired my drawing

List of anime I've seen since I was last here:
1. Erased
2. Death Parade
3. The Pet girl of Sakurasou

Note: the last one is in caps..
Why you ask?
Cuz it was BELLE (no worries I'm not a spoiler)

But yes

I've still not give mister Onion his own home
Poor Mister Onion

Headaches strike
I must flee



Sunday, 5 June 2016

♥June 5th♥

Ooh ..

I honestly don't really have anything to say tbh

I also can't remember if I posted last week or nah
I doubt tho
My birthday was ...
two days ago lol

As always
I don't blog on my birthday ..

Lol I'm dying
so I am rolling out


Saturday, 21 May 2016


I feel like my last post had the worst title
of all 184 posts I have
I will improve it immensely today

Only 184 posts??
Smh ..
I know I know
Idk what I wanted to say

I just wanted to post
So I supposed we can have a surprise guest today

Jim: o=? Who dis?

You obviously...
Jim: But .. how is that a surprise??

People expect you so they'd not expect you
So they'd be surprised that it wasn't a surprise
Jim: ......

Jim: .....

Jim: ,,,,,


:3 Good boy
so Jim tell us about yourself
What do you aspire to be in life?
Jim: Uhmmm i-I didn't prepare a speech... this is all so sudden.. -freezes up-

And that's that folks
Tune in next time for

I really don't know what's going on

On another note
Mr Onion man still doesn't have his own place
-sad emoji-

I'm a failure

I think I'd need to squeeze it into my busy schedule

Jim: You don't have a busy schedule
Shut up Jim
you're supposed to be Frozen

Jim: Just let it go man.

You serious?
Jim: -grins-

-goes back to things-

I'm looking on the right side of the typie box place
And I'm seeing the post settings

Wondering what Permalink is
And the thing is now..
Don't wanna google it
Cuz I know
that if I do
I'll go on something else
And get distracted for hours

I know what thinks is
I can
and I quote (from my head so it's not technically a quote although people quote me)
I can make my own link
-sassy girl emoji-

I think I wanted to say that
I probably shouldn't put all these emojis
Cuz like
I'm lazy rn
And also cuz
I don't wanna "ANF"

But alas

I must
I'm a committed person
Ima do that then

good stuff
-she said with a lisp-
(Only few will get this reference... very few... Maybe just 2 ..or three.. 1 of which doesn't read my posts)


iFly ♥

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


I was on a ...
Two weeks?

school is done
I'm home
And now it's
Very good
It's great cuz

I got good grades for this semester
so that's exciting
And .. uhh
I surprised my little sister
on Sunday
(That was when I returned home)
She had no idea

Good stuff
Oh my ..
It's only 8:25
I thought it was later honestly

If I was in AR right now the sun would be setting now
What else can I say
That Sunday was an emotional one

But I made the mistake of not eating the morning of my flight
( >.< )
Bad decisions

Speaking of bad decisions
and things I've not done

Have not
Put Onion man in his own folder
I think that's
Kinda sorta bad yes

Sigh =\
the struggles are indeed real

I want
I need to sleep

Omg why
My eyes are so heavy
IT's annoying

I'd better go then
-tis only 8:45-
only 20 minutes have past...



Sunday, 24 April 2016


Depressing thought 
My computer contributed to my page views*

Why must I be lied to ? 

It's like
 deception is the only thing life has to offer

Enough of these thoughts
I'm (not really and probably will never be) over it 
Ah yes

Thanks to a thing I found out this 
I actually researched it 
y'know how that is 
and how it works
Mh hmm 

Oh well 
What am I saying 
.. well 
what do I want to say 
nothing really 
this didn't help me at all 

So snapchat 
it's a thing
I have one 
it's pretty hilarious these days
faceswap n' all that jazz
Some of the filters are -three fire emojis

Others are just for kixx
like the faceswap filters
now you can put other people's faces on yours 
I find it amaze-balls

and that's all I have to say on that 

The semester's coming to a close soon too 
I should be pretty ... 
but I'm not 
even tho I have shit to do 
like an essay
that's due in two weeks 
also need to get my ticket to go to my aunt's 
Oh how I wish it was to home
But alas
The planets have not aligned for such luxuries 

We'll see what Christmas holds ... 
-fingers crossed- 


*PS. I fixed it so that it wouldn't happen again so yea *

Saturday, 23 April 2016

♥1300 AwayfromPerfection♥

WOHT!! ?
I have like
180 posts?
I feel kinda bad that I only have 180 posts
This blog has been around for four years
If I'd continued like how I'd started off
I'd have probably had ...
1200+ posts
Omg ..

I bet I can calculate how many posts I'm missing from what I should have
1480 is what I'm supposed to have in total
so like
I'm missing exactly 1300 posts
(not including this one)
this is insane
I love that it's a round number tho
I hope my calculations are correct
I wonder if anyone will tell me otherwise

We'll just have to see

I'll end this post with a list of my Current pHobias

1. The Ocean
2. Caterpillars
3. People touching my neck
4. Somewhat touching fishtanks
... with regards to #4
So ...When I was younger,
My older cousin (whom I looked up to) told me that I shouldn't touch the fish tanks
Because the fish would bite you through the glass.
while now I know it's not true,
To this day
I'm still very hesitant when touching fish tanks

Ik .. gullible

But alas ..
this haunts me

Curse your "Veen "

Sorry this one isn't a gif

As always


Fun fact: I still haven't given Onion Man his own space

Featured post: My first post .. it's me talking about what I thought I'd be doing for the blog..
It's actually super appropriate for this one

Saturday, 16 April 2016

♥Don't let the Door hit you on the way out ♥

there I was
realizing that I hadn't blogged for the weekend
When suddenly a wild bladder decides to fill up
thus having me retreat to the bathroom
on the way out of my dorm
the door decided to attack

long story short
In fact that was the entire story
but anway
long story short
my finger
my index finger throbs every time I backspace
and when I press other keys that I'm not sure that I use my index finger to press
(not even sure if index finger is the right one)
-secretly finds a finger naming chart-
okay so I I got it wrong
yes I saw the "I I" and it was originally supposed to be a typo and I realized it added to the vyb
But anyway
It's supposedly the unimaginatively named middle finger

I personally hate this chart
but I chose it because I hate it
and I don't hate it ..
I just dislike it

I dislike it because..
it has like
two labellings
Ohh wait
-now reading the other words- I see why it has two labellings
But no guys like
It was a devastating blow
I was all like..
"WUT THE F---!" I was in so much immediate pain
I remember when I was younger
I'd have cried if this happened to me
I'm glad I'm out of that phase .. (somewhat)
But yes
I ran my finger under hot water for like
5 minutes
Maybe not five minutes
Maybe shorter

YOu know how pain makes like... time last longer than if you were doing something fun
like Idk
doing a test
idk why
it's like

That's the story of how I wanted to blog
I suppose that was the universe's way of punishing me or something

While typing that
I was wondering if I'd said it already
But the real question is
did I ..
I forgot
oh no I didn't

the real question is
will I wake up with a fat red "thinger"
I was literally going to (well I technically did but you get what I mean)

I hope I don't wake up with a fat red finger
Idk how I'd be able to do my work for the week y'know
Speaking of which
I have shit to do
and I'm just here like
But no
I'm not saying that blogging takes up my time
and helps me procrastinate
I'm saying that
I wasted my entire day today
I'm not even going to put the list of things that I have to do
it's not that much actually
Haha (just checked)
four things
probably why I'm ..

5 things
three are for math
One is due tomorrow
another is due on .. Tuesday
and the other is due on Friday maybe
I guess I'm staying up after this post to do that one due for tomorrow

In fact
I'll start now
It's a good thing I don't have to wake up early tomorrow
-bows in gratitude- church is at 5PM
Yes I go to church e.e
it's a thing that's part of my life

actually this post was really decently lengthed ..ofc that's not a word

SO yea
The thing...
 ....that I love


PS. I just realized I never got around to putting the onion men into their own folders.
Oh well 
A task for another day  

No(t much) formatting today .-. 
This was a very serious post about my struggle to survive dorm life

I unlocked the secrets to making sure the strike through on .{CrookedWings}, always matches the colour..
it's just to put it everywhere now...
(-ugh ... -)

Sunday, 10 April 2016

♥One Day♥

So I can't find the old blog
And by that I mean
I can't remember the password
Or the email address for it
then again
the password for it will be the same

Hmm so I posted this temporarily just to see what date it would give..
Fortunately it was today's day
I was going to post yesterday
That's when I started typing this
What happened?

I went to a party
Yea that's what I did
 It was okay
there was this boisterous kid there

I say kid but he's like
2... years younger than me?
it's not that much
but he might as well have been a preteen who just learned about porn

And was all touchy feely
Well not me cuz (much)
I closed my body language to him
wasn't really listening
Funnily enough I hadn't realized that I'd blocked him out
Until my friends were relaying things he'd said that night
and I'd not heard a thing

I guess my brain does it automatically
Speaking of automatic
What did I write in Friday's post?

I feel like
there was something I had..
wanted to accomplish but didn't
(Hence the name "this isn't the end")
-goes to reread it-
I hope I don't get distracted at never return till late ..
(hopes for the best)

Okay I'm back with 55 minutes to spare
so apparently I had to research when I stopped using the [] and started using {}

Also I had to find out if it was really thinking I was two hours behind
but I mean
that will be ness
I mean
It's true
I hope this point came across
I don't really feel like explaining this again

If I do the bracket research..
Idk how long I'd be gone for ..

I should time it
the time is 11:08
It took me eight minutes
To realize
I've never been inconsistent

I think i'd have died if I found out that I wasnt
Although I did see
a time when
I put it in french

That will be the next featured post
I mean
you don't have to read it
if you want to read it to understand
(Cuz I kinda don't understand it now)
Maybe that's why it has no views

Story of my life I guess
Yes yes
I have once again used the beautiful onion to express my feelings
I feel like he's the best to express my feelings
speaking of which
he should probably have his own folder
This is the me that this blog has to see so
this is the me that is expressed in the Onions
even if there's an onigiri as my icon for the site

I wonder if I can change it
I'll try one day
One day
One day 
One dayyy
Sometimes I lay 
under the moon 
and thank God I'm breathing 
And then I pray 
Don't take me soon 
Cuz I'm here for a reason 
Sometimes in my tears I drown 
But I never let it get me down 
And when negativity surrounds 
I know someday
It'll all turn around because 
All my life I've been praying for 
I've been waiting for 
For the people say 
That we don't wanna fight no more 
There'll be no more wars
And Our children will play 
One day
One day 
One day...
It's not about 
Win or lose
We all lose when they feed on 
The souls of the innocent 
Blood drenched pavement 
Keep on moving 
Tho the waters stay raging 
In the maze you may lose your way 
(Your way)
It might drive you crazy but 
Don't let it phase you no way 
(No way
Sometimes in my tears I drown 
But I never let it get me down 
And when negativity surrounds 
I know someday
It'll all turn around because 
All my life I've been praying for 
I've been waiting for 
For the people say 
That we don't wanna fight no more 
There'll be no more wars
And Our children will play 
One day
One day 
One day...
One day this all will change 
Treat people the same 
STOP with the violence 
DOWN with the hate
One day we'll all be free
And proud to be 
Under the same song 
Singing songs of freedom like:
All my life I've been praying for 
I've been waiting for 
For the people say 
That we don't wanna fight no more 
There'll be no more wars
And Our children will play 
One day
One day 
One day...

Oh... oh my
I'm sorry
Idk what came over me
I got goosebumps typing that out
That song is laced with memories for me
For me and many others

I think
My work here is done
roomie gonna e.e turn off the lights

I mena I have a lamp but
e.e ... e.e ... e.e
I'll still feel odd

Hmm anyway I'm not even gonna go to sleep
I'll just stay in bed reading or something
This is what I'll do

Oh guys! Before I forget
Jim says hi, by the way
and he's sorry he couldn't make it today
He had a prior arrangement
he also thought the posting would be yesterday but I let him down by forgetting

Anything else I'm forgetting?
i feel like I am
As usual
I don't wanna scroll up
this was a fairly long post
(you're welcome)

good bye... my loves


The song I typed out 
No I didn't copy the lyrics from somewhere
Yes I knew it by heart 
How come? 
we had a performance in 2011~

Friday, 8 April 2016

♥This Isn't the End♥

so I'm looking at the page viewy thingy
And well
I don't really understand what the day is e.e
I really don't know

Jim: It looks weird ... maybe a day stops at twelve midday?

Idk man
I dunno
But anyway
Why am I here?

Jim: Wellll it's the weekend sooo yah TGIF

Yes this is true lol

So I was
-time later-
Idk what I wanted to say
An entire hour passed
I just don't understand why this keeps happening to me

And I wanted a long post today
I might not get that

from what I see
Blogger thinks I'm two hours or ... one hour?
Behind it ?
If I started typing at like
It'd post at ... 8
I'll look into this tomorrow

I'll be back ~
This isn't the End ♫


Oh so I noticed...
That I used to use [] rather than {}

When did I start using the {} ?
I'll get back to you guys tomorrow
(it's actually tomorrow already but this will post yesterday :3 so I'm, typing in the past .. well
I'm always typing in the past for you guys when you read it but still... now I'm... no it still makes no sense
but you get my gist .. okay I'm gone)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


So I hope I remember to save and publish this 
Ugh e.e

Oh yes important day it is today
I just wish it fell on a rounder Number of posts
I should've seen this coming
 But I wasn't even paying attention to that
Is 177 a prime number?
I don't really like prime numbers
No ... I don't like Odd prime numbers
Cuz well
It's so cliched
Cuz you expect odd numbers to be prime
But when they aren't
It's like
Shout out to
9, 27, 21, 51, 57

I knew it
I had a feeling
Cuz I was like hmmmm
I should be able to be divisible by at least three
I'm sorry 177
Then again
I should've known
Should I have?
I didn't necessarily have to know
But yes
I should
from the moment I saw that it ended with a 7
I knew
it'd not be a prime number
I knew in my souuul

The point of this post is not to talk about #177
The point of this post is to celebrate

-invites Jim-

Jim: here I am

you're part of this celebration too

Jim: o==! Does that mean you'll make the effort to format today?

=.= Jim
Don't test me
But yes is this answer

Jim: =3

>.> Psh
Not for you obviously
For the blog

Today is her birthday

And now the toast
-clears throat; taps glass to silence the crowd-

5 years ago today 
She started off as an idea 
Well actually I had a blog before her and like 
it was kool but then I forgot the password for it 
 But I remembered it again 
But I guess I still forgot... 
I must check that out then 


177 posts later 
and here you are 
being yourself

I swear 5 years should have produced more than just 176 posts ._. 

And I was inactive for an entire year ... 
A lot more than a year 
If I had to count that 
Omg .. 
I must check that too 
But now's not the time for sadness 
Now is the time for joy
-raises glass- 
To five years and to many more to come 
Happy Birthday Blog ♥
I love you 
WEll e.e 
You are a homie that keeps me sane

Jim: Here Here! Lol you think you're sane

Jim not now |:<
So rude

I never actually named the blog tho

Jim: It's true ... so true .. but I mean ... idk

Haha same
-distributes pizza-
Have a good one guys
-clinks glasses-

Today is also the birthday of a friend I've only ever met once
And may probably never meet again
So much so that he doesn't have a nick name
I can't really say his name here
Well it's not that I can't
first off he doesn't even know that this place exists so even if I do mention his name
He'll never (okay maybe not never) know
And second ..
I don't like to put people's real names here

I don't even remember ever putting mine
I wonder if I put my gender on here ...
Oh well
not important

I wonder if I have a ... not a fireworks gif
but I wonder if I have a nice little picture for this post

I'll check that

Once again
" WHAT?  I have to name it? D: "
May we become famous one day 

as always

I just noticed that this is a pun... 
maybe I already noticed it actually 
So this is probably a trepiphan

I'm so smart 

(Yea from now on I'll be using this onion guy :3)

Sunday, 3 April 2016


175 posts already? 
It's not like its 200 
... But anyway 
I was doing some homework 
I do do my things that are for school in a ... "timely" manner

Jim: XDD You said 

Yes Jim... I said "do do" 


... e.e don't taunt me James 
I'm cranky cuz I'm sleepy and I'm not in the mood 

Jim: :3 <3 

<..< I'm gonna do the slepe 

Jim: "slepe" 

=....= yes 


<....< -leaves- 


I'll format this later 


Saturday, 26 March 2016

♥The Invalid Life Story♥

I coulda sworn I started typing out a post ..
I guess it didn't save
Thnks a lot Ris >.>

Yes Ris 
I like this nickame
She probably hates it
I'll probably still call her Iris anyway

Wanna know who I miss?

Jim: Me :D

Yea mpr...
Idk what words were about to be typed tbh

Jim: Idk how long tho ...

Same .. I wonder what happened the last time we spoke
I really do wonder -reminisces-
If I do then I'll get distracted and stop typing for a month probably

Jim: I wanna know what happened for me to leave and need to cool off for a year

-cry laughing emoji-
Hmm Me too but that may bring up things that we never dealt with properly back then
Are you willing to take that risk?
(Also the risk of me definitely getting distracted)

Jim: Naw We'll be fine. I'm clearly over whatever it was .. .

But maybe you just don't remember 

Jim: Or maybe it's cuz you don't remember ... hmm? :]

Pft ._. I kinda sorta remember but I can't remember the deats y'know

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-time later-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So after much deliberation
idk what it is

Sigh this is interesting eh Jimmy ?

Jim: I suppose ... idk what I should tell you doe

Hmm how about we move past this
The point is you're here now

I'd just like to say one thing
Spring break is over
Was it great ?
Yea it was aight
Am I happy that it's over?
Yes and No
 Yes cuz I get to eat food again 
No cuz summer break is approaching sooner 

Jim: Why is this bad?
MEh  .-. it just is for now
Info I'd rather not share
For I've shared it too many times ....

Sigh I don't feel like formatting tbh
All this to format
-scrolls up to see all the Jims (including this one) that has to be put in green-

Jim: You're the one who decided that my name must be in green .... and in times

I just felt that green was a more sophisticated colour
and also that times new roman is the best looking font in general
not just for your name

I should also probably stop cuz of how I'm positioned on the couch
(laying on one side while typing)
My right leg was starting to pain me T.T

Jim: Geez why can't you just sit up ?

Cuz JAMES ...
-valid reason-

Jim: Oh waoooow I completely see the light -_-

:D I'm glad you see reason Jimmy mah boy'

Jim: =...= Just fix yuhself bruv

yea yea... but now I can't type properly
I mean earlier I was still in an awkward position
but now..
I'm in so much of an awkward position that the typos appear more frequently
More backspacing has to be done
0ther thing
Yess I spelled other with a zero

OHHH I remember my real valid reason
<><> -cold- <><>

Jim: ._. you're so weird

Thank you :) 


-listens as my stomach give her life story- 

UGHH I just remembered what I didn't save on Iris ...
It was a thing with a list  of movies T.T
it was so beautiful -cries-

Sunday, 20 March 2016

♥8Days before Now♥

3/12/16 ... 12/03/16
I didn't post last week 
I don't think I was busy on Sunday was I ? 
Yea I think I was
But this weekend I'm ... Free?
More or less
I have to study tho 
For this music lecture test I got
I kinda also have this uhh 
Analysis paper to do
Mind you Iris ( my phone: if I haven't mentioned her yet... In fact I think I have ... And I made the double pun?? Good times ... I'll have to check that out tho e.e) has been reminding me to do it for a week or two now ... No just a week 
But you see 
I had this project assignment thing I needed to get done by Wednesday  (so I could print Thursday) 
(Update:) So that took priority 

3/20/16 ... 20/03/16
Lol smh so disappointing 
I was typing this and now I'm typing again 
When will this gap rhing end 
It's spring break 
Also the first day of spring 

But it's like
Super cold 
Okay not super cold 
I'm exaggerating 
But like 
It's like 
Super cold 

I was saying something important before I stopped typing tho 
-scrolls up-

I added what was necessary to ness 

I'm gonna go back to reading now 
So I'll be with you all later in the week

Ooh the commas are a nice touch ...
Oh lemme not forget to put the date of the Blog's birthday on here

Saturday, 27 February 2016

♥I think I can♥

This app needs an update Google wth????

Some of us actually use formatting other than freaking bold and damn italics 
 From my iPhone @ 3:16 PM

It's like
You don't even care about it T.T
(Even if I gave a review or whatever some years ago)
Anyway I guess it's whatever |:<
For now

I have a very important question
Why do cans have to put the colours they used on the side of their can ??

Is this like ... a must or like ??
Idk .-. 
What's it for ?
-looks it up- 

lol uhhm 
this will definitely be a short post 
I got distracted for 5 hours this time 



Saturday, 20 February 2016

♥EmojiMAkers: HeedMYCall♥

Lol guys
I went to class ...
Not what I'm supposed to say
First of all
IT's Saturday
No one goes to class on saturday ._.
(Well not by choice)

I was at a CONCERT!

not that kinda concert
with like a band
or a famous celebrity
But like
A musical concert
With a Pianist
and a Violinist
I swear
I think my favourite Nstrument is the piano y'know
I'm not sure yet
In any case
I respect people who can play it really well

Not that I don't respect  all people who play instruments
It's just that
I used to play piano back in my day
"-old lady emoji-"
It's not that it was hard
But it definitely wasn't easy

So I commend lady who was on piano
But that VIOLIN tho
I like that it's like a more sophisticated guitar

Emojis that should exist 
  1. :3
  2. e.e  

Idk why they don't
Well I kinda have an idea why :3 
isn't an emoji 

They won't be able to make it as nice I feel 
I challenge you emoji makers
Heed my call o============
The second one 
IT's simple enough... 
they shouldn't mess that up honestly 

I'd love to stay and chat but 
School work beckons 
And idk when I'll finish 
I may return 

But then what is the point?

So yea

No formatting today 
(Well not much anyway)

This is a boring post |: 
But to spice things up 



I never really noticed how the {} are kinda like crooked wings literally o-o
Haha I am a Jeanius :DD
Only a few people will know why this is a beautiful pun
Which is sad
I may reveal it one day
Who knows..

y'know it's funny cuz
I remember saying that I may start a story randomly here one day
I'm supposed to be leaving sigh
"-tired emoji-"
It's always like this

Ok ok
Lemme go ._.