Just thought I'd put it here :3
My day was rather successful though
For awhile anyway =\
Maybe cuz it didn't involve many people
I feel better
That up there ^
Was Me suppressing a rant of anger x|
Speaking of which
I can't find my rant book ._.
I was hoping to have finished it by then =|
But I guess you can't have everything
the frin...
I wonder what I was going to say back there
Sigh this is what I get for being easily distracted for long periods
so here's what I'll do
I'll try to complete a thought
before I go cheq whatever I want to cheq
Or at least
Finish a line
Of words
That way
I'll (probably)
Remember what I wanna say when I get back
So that "frin" thing won't happen
I think that was a typo too e.e!
Too bad I can't remember what I wanted to say
So that I can fix it
It'll just
Have to stay
Ah yes B]
I positively influenced Laina to break a habit o=!
Well It's not broken
And it's the kind that takes time to break
But !
I helped to break through a thin Layer so that she could complete a task at hand!!
I didn't wanna have to use force
I thought it was unnecessary to leave it undone for no real reason o=
I was disappointed that the reason for not continuing
Was due to the fact that Procrastination told her to do it
And not the fact that she was possibly unsure of sumthin
So required my expert opinion on it
That just made her HAVE to finish it
Cuz if I'm not needed
Then it's perfect already so it should just be done
It's just..
How our universe should function o=<
Did I mention that I did another drawing? .o o.?
Lol yes
Speaking of the Universal Functions of me and my wife
WE found out that it doesn't appreciate both of us drawing at the same time
So when she was at her drawing bloom
I wasn't
And now that I am
She isn't
Well not today anyway
I'll just wait to see how she fairs out tomorrow
If she ness
Lol mom was still on my back about her deer drawing
( I hope I mentioned this yesterday)
So I wanted to finish the drawing before she came home
that was obviously not a success ...=\
She came home ..
and met me on her bed
And was like "e.e Dotter"
.. ok she didn't ACTUALLY say that
But ..
MY words are more dramatic! O;<
I'll leave you with my drawing...
No I won't !! O}=<
(mustaches are more aggressive)
ColourDay ..
Oh and Skittles .. since you weren't the loyal follower that you should be
Here's the definition of >>Trepiphan<<
Ps. I feel that this Colour Day will not be as successful as the last
( and the last one wasn't such a big turnout )
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