Wednesday, 8 August 2012


iDecided to write out my words so that I can type them out on here so seeing this means that I wasn't lazy to type this out in the first place :3

Right now I'm listening to this Awesome Song


Hmm when my dad said he was gonna make noise with his swiper
He wasn't kidding ._.
I mean I can barely hear my music =\

So on Saturday I'm going to a pool party with my lil sister, y'know to get out of the house and stuff
Hopefully Laina my wife will be there too
Though she sounded pretty skeptical about goin |=

And speaking of her!
She updated, finally, her blog @.@!
I'm so proud of her ♥
She broker her lil curse she had
I'll read it after this =]

I just grasped the fact that I ..
I do not completely feel better about what we talked about yesterday...
"Sleeping on it" did not really help
Neither did watching something to make me kinda keep my mind off it ...
Well in fact 
My mind kinda was off it..
But it reminded me of 
Something else XD
                                                 Failure =o

Idk why I'm saying all of this e.e
iRefuse to delete it now >=o!

I just came from cleaning 
Wonder if my mother will notice XD
Like I remember the last time I cleaned
o.< she ignored the good completely 
And found the one bad:
An uncovered ketchup bottle x.x
Poor me was all "Well mother -goes to recover-"

LOL!! Recover B]

Anyway what do I speak of now ..
I'm kinda at a loss for words

Reminds me of Michael J :3
And his song Speechless 
The chorus always got to me B3 -sways with joy-

I need to learn more songs..
 But before I do that ..
-goes to the washing machine-

Ah ok :3
Nothin like washing a comforter B3

Oh gosh I have like.. 30-60 mins of peace, quiet and music without the tv on..
Why can't my brother understand the awesomeness that is my music 
and listen with me 
Instead of watching television shows that he's seen every episode to = 3=

Hmm I was gonna say that I discovered a new song..
But that'd mean sharing all the new songs I heard 
Between the last time I posted and now..
And I don't mean yesterday 

I mean like .. 
between the 2nd (June) and now 

Hmm what a list of links we would have.. XD
In fact..
I think I'll do that tomorrow
Speaking of procrastination
I think I stop procrastinating and read Laina's .. 
Extremely long post
if i wanna finish
I have to start now ...

Damn my nasal issues e.e



  1. Ah well Lainy! :3 if you wanna feel better about your artistic life's future you could always do something about it! ^_^ just remember that Laina is always here to help you. Always. Unless I'm not...but you know...pessimism is for the week :O

    Look out for my next post!

    Laina out!
